Tag Archives: water rail

Redwing – 3rd October

This morning there was a light passage of Skylarks and Swallows. Three Golden Plover and a Lapwing also flew over. A Raven was calling from a pylon and later a Redwing flew over and some were on the Hawthorns along the Lower Path. A Mistle Thrush flew over (an unusual bird for the site) and six Water Rail were heard calling from different reed-beds. Towards late morning a Cream-top Marsh Harrier was seen in the distance as it left the site. PS.

Raven – Pete Smith

Marsh Harrier – 4th August

This morning, during the Bird Walk, two ravens were on the pylons and also crossed and re-crossed the site several times. A Water Rail dashed across the gap in front of the Causeway benches, a female Marsh Harrier flew over the site but continued over the river, and a Hobby was over the Small Gravel Pit. Also the first few Siskins were heard passing over-head. PS.


Water Rail – 3rd September

This morning there were five Wigeon on the Slurry Lagoon. Up to 36 Shoveler were also there and about forty Swallows passed to the south in small family groups. A Water Rail dashed across the gap in front of the Causeway benches and two others were heard. There were still two Common Terns on the Deep Pit and large flocks of warblers, mostly Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs, were about. PS.

Marsh Harrier – 7th December

The juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen again this morning, pursued by crows until it dropped into the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. Also a calling Green Sandpiper flew over the Slurry Lagoon towards the Ecopark, followed later by two Common Snipe and a Water Rail made its dash across the gap in front of the Causeway bench. PS.

Marsh Harrier and Carrion Crow – PS.

Marsh Harrier – 16th November

This morning the Bearded Reedlings were heard in the reeds along the north side of the Slurry Lagoon, but not seen and the female Pintail was still present. Water Rails were seen three times (at least two individuals) as they flew across in front of the Causeway bench. Several small flocks of Fieldfares flew through, totalling about 155. PS.

Female Pintail – PS.

In the afternoon a juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen over the Slurry Lagoon. MC.

Spotted Flycatcher – 8th September

This morning there were three Ravens flying near the metal gates. Later two flew over the bird table. From the Causeway bench the Water Rails were seen again, plus Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and a Hobby. On the Lower Path, near the large oak at the car park end, a Spotted Flycatcher was seen. PS.

Spotted Flycatcher – PS.

In the afternoon, two Treecreepers were found in trees along the Ouse Dyke. RJP.

There are at least 35 Yellow Wagtails in the field beside the Ouse Dyke, in front of the houses. The sub-station field still has three Whinchat present. JDn.

Whinchat – 6th September

Today there were four Whinchats in the rough field beside the sub-station. The Slurry Lagoon had twelve Lapwings and ten Wigeon and lots of Water Rail activity in front of the Causeway bench. There were lots of warblers still foraging for calories for their migration, including Reed, Sedge, Willow Warblers, Whitethroats, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. PS.

Egyptian Goose – 28th August

This morning there was a steady passage of Swallows over the site. There were still Reed and Sedge Warblers in front of the Causeway Bench, and some Water Rails. Twelve Egyptian Geese with one Ruddy Shelduck were loafing on the Slurry Lagoon and a Fox put in a brief appearance, as well as a Kingfisher. Later six Buzzards were sharing a thermal and a Red Kite passed through. PS.

In the early afternoon a Hobby was seen over the Large Gravel Pit, hawking dragonflies. IEP.

In the late afternoon at least three Willow Emeralds were on the Lower Path, by the stepping stones. JDn.

Nine of the Egyptian Geese – PS.

Whimbrel – 18th August

This morning the Peregrine was on the new pylon. One Black-tailed Godwit was on the Slurry Lagoon with about forty Lapwings and a Water Rail skipped across in front of the bench. A flock of fourteen Whimbrel flew over the site to the south-west and a cream-top Marsh Harrier flushed all of the gulls as it quartered the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed before dropping into the reeds, where it stayed. A Green Sandpiper and a Redshank were on the Ecopark, the Redshank later visiting the Slurry Lagoon. Sedge and Willow Warblers were seen and heard along with Whitethroat, young Blackcaps and plenty of Chiffchaffs.  IEP.