Tag Archives: Marsh Harrier

Bearded Reedling – 15th October

This morning, as the sun rose, two cream-top Marsh Harriers were seen leaving their roost in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. There were at least 50 Wigeon on the Slurry Lagoon and later two Bearded Reedlings flew across in front of the bench. Two Redpoll flew over and, along the Pylon Path, first a Brambling, then about 80 Redwing flew over.

Redwing – 3rd October

This morning there was a light passage of Skylarks and Swallows. Three Golden Plover and a Lapwing also flew over. A Raven was calling from a pylon and later a Redwing flew over and some were on the Hawthorns along the Lower Path. A Mistle Thrush flew over (an unusual bird for the site) and six Water Rail were heard calling from different reed-beds. Towards late morning a Cream-top Marsh Harrier was seen in the distance as it left the site. PS.

Raven – Pete Smith