Tag Archives: Garganey

Bearded Reedling – 19th October

This morning there was a massive passage of Fieldfares and Redwings, with hundreds flying overhead. Also seen were a Red Kite and a Raven. On the Slurry Lagoon a Dunlin appeared, and the Pintail and Garganey were still present and a single Bearded Reedling was seen flying twice across in front of the Causeway bench. PS.

In the afternoon a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull was on the Slurry Lagoon and a male and female Bearded Reedling showed down to a few metres. Later on a juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen hunting the Slurry Lagoon. MC.

Bearded Reedling – male – MC.
Bearded Reedling – female – MC.

Great White Egret – 18th October

This morning the Great White Egret spent some time on the Slurry Lagoon. One Pintail was showing, as it fed in the NE corner of the Slurry Lagoon. There was a constant light passage of Skylarks. PS.

In the evening the Garganey was seen again. JDn.

Also a Bearded Reedling was heard in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. RW.

Great White Egret and Lapwings. PS.
Pintail. PS

Bittern – 8th September

Late this afternoon the Bittern was seen again, flying across the Slurry Lagoon. The Garganey was still present, along with a Water Rail, Green Sandpiper, Snipe and four Little Egrets. JDn.

In the evening two Bitterns were seen. At dusk a Barn Owl was seen as well as a Pipistrelle and a Noctule at nightfall. RW.