
Welcome to the Gedling Conservation Trust

The Gedling Conservation Trust (GCT) was set up in 2005 to take over the ownership of the Netherfield Lagoons, Nottinghamshire from UK Coal, after they became redundant with the closure of Gedling Pit. The GCT then applied to English Nature to have the site designated as a Local Nature Reserve, so that its importance as a wildlife conservation site would be acknowledged and by-laws could be set up to protect it.

Now the Trust manages the Netherfield Lagoons Local Nature Reserve (on the outskirts of Nottingham) and has a part time manager who works to maintain the biological diversity and interest of the site. GCT receives no government or Local Authority funding and is seeking funds to ensure the future of the site.

The Trust is prepared to take on other sites within the borough which have a wildlife interest that would benefit from their intervention.


Please always remember to respect Social Distancing and follow the current Government Guidelines, which can be found at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Quiz Night is back!

Tickets are now on sale for our 3rd annual quiz night on Friday 21st March. We hope you will join us for what has, in the past, been a very fun and enjoyable evening.

Numbers are limited so please book early to secure your place and please do not turn up on the night without a place. Doors open at 7pm and teams are a maximum of 6. Tickets are just £5 each and this year it will be held at the Loco Centre on Forester Street, Netherfield (behind St George’s Centre). Its BYO everything (drinks, snacks and glasses). Get ready for a raffle and Heads and Tails!

PLEASE BOOK YOUR PLACE IN ADVANCE by emailing gedlingct@gmail.com

News and Recent Sightings(and Monthly Bird Counts)

Monthly bird counts are held on the second Sunday of every month, meeting at the end of Teal Close (opposite the CEM building). We monitor the site’s birds and it is a great way for beginners to get involved with bird identification, led by experienced (and friendly!) birders.
Monthly bird count results

Recent Sightings

Species Found at the
Netherfield Lagoons

See which species have so far been found at the lagoons. If you want to identify a species click on ‘Identify a Species’ and see if you can find it there.

Calendar of Events

    Monthly Bird Count
    Mar 9 @ 7:45 am – 11:00 am
    Come and join us on a bird count. This is a good way for beginners to gain experience and to find out more about the site. Meet at the end of Teal Close, opposite the CEM factory gates, at 07.45 hrs.
    Quiz Night @ Loco Centre
    Mar 21 @ 7:30 pm
    Monthly Bird Count
    Apr 13 @ 7:45 am – 11:00 am

    Come and join us on a bird count. This is a good way for beginners to gain experience and to find out more about the site. Meet at the end of Teal Close, opposite the CEM factory gates, at 07.45 hrs.

    Monthly Bird Count
    May 11 @ 7:45 am – 11:00 am

    Come and join us on a bird count. This is a good way for beginners to gain experience and to find out more about the site. Meet at the end of Teal Close, opposite the CEM factory gates, at 07.45 hrs.

    Monthly Bird Count
    Jun 8 @ 7:45 am – 11:00 am

    Come and join us on a bird count. This is a good way for beginners to gain experience and to find out more about the site. Meet at the end of Teal Close, opposite the CEM factory gates, at 07.45 hrs.

    The Birding Year at the Netherfield Lagoons

    The lagoons are a great place to start off the New Year, a refreshing walk to re-invigorate you after the holiday festivities will often be rewarded by some excellent birds.

    Guided Walks

    Use our map to take a guided walk around the Netherfield Lagoons Local Nature Reserve, Nottinghamshire, including points of interest and details of some of the wildlife on offer at the reserve.