Tag Archives: Skylark

Redwing – 3rd October

This morning there was a light passage of Skylarks and Swallows. Three Golden Plover and a Lapwing also flew over. A Raven was calling from a pylon and later a Redwing flew over and some were on the Hawthorns along the Lower Path. A Mistle Thrush flew over (an unusual bird for the site) and six Water Rail were heard calling from different reed-beds. Towards late morning a Cream-top Marsh Harrier was seen in the distance as it left the site. PS.

Raven – Pete Smith

Great White Egret – 18th October

This morning the Great White Egret spent some time on the Slurry Lagoon. One Pintail was showing, as it fed in the NE corner of the Slurry Lagoon. There was a constant light passage of Skylarks. PS.

In the evening the Garganey was seen again. JDn.

Also a Bearded Reedling was heard in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. RW.

Great White Egret and Lapwings. PS.
Pintail. PS

Marsh Harrier – 11th November

This morning the Red-crested Pochard was still on the Slurry Lagoon and some small groups of Skylarks were flying over. There were at least five hundred birds on the Slurry Lagoon, consisting mainly of Wigeon, Black-headed Gulls and Coots, but with smaller numbers of other species mixed in. About mid-day a female Marsh Harrier lifted all of the gulls off the Slurry Lagoon and drifted off into the trees in the reed bed. About six Water Rail were heard calling and some Redpoll flew over. PS.

Whooper Swan – 3rd November

 This morning there were 11 Whooper Swan in total. 6 flew through west calling, there was a single bird briefly on the Large Gravel Pit before being chased off by Mute Swans and 4 flew east late morning. -The 1st winter Caspian Gull was still on the Deep Pit.-c250 Redwing in several flocks through the morning.- A Drake Pintail still on the Eco-park.- 10+ Skylark through. MC.

Water Rail – 6th October

This morning a Water Rail was seen scuttling across the gap in front of the Causeway Bench. There were two other birds calling. There were 21 Dabchicks on the Slurry Lagoon and good numbers of Wigeon and Shovelers. There was a light passage of Swallows, Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Siskins. PS, AAS.

In the afternoon a pair of Willow Emeralds in tandem were seen ovipositing in the Small Gravel Pit. RW.

Goosander – 11th October

This morning, during the Bird-count, there were several flocks, totalling around 300 Redwings seen around the site as well as about thirty Fieldfares. Redpoll, Siskin and Skylarks were also seen and heard passing overhead and there were still plenty of Chiffchaffs about. At about mid-day five female Goosander were seen flying downriver. PS.