Tag Archives: Mistle Thrush

Redwing – 3rd October

This morning there was a light passage of Skylarks and Swallows. Three Golden Plover and a Lapwing also flew over. A Raven was calling from a pylon and later a Redwing flew over and some were on the Hawthorns along the Lower Path. A Mistle Thrush flew over (an unusual bird for the site) and six Water Rail were heard calling from different reed-beds. Towards late morning a Cream-top Marsh Harrier was seen in the distance as it left the site. PS.

Raven – Pete Smith

Blackcap – 29th March

This morning there were two Blackcaps singing, six Sand Martin’s by the bridge on the river, ten singing Chiffchaff and two Mistle Thrushes, three Lapwing and three Shelduck on the Eco Park area. Also lots of butterflies;
1 Small White,
10 Small Tortoiseshell.
11 Brimstone
10 Peacock
Also 2 Toads and 3 Roe Deer. SC/PG.

Bearded Tit – 18th October

This morning some Bearded Tits were heard calling in the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. Eight Golden Plover nearly joined the Lapwings on the Slurry Lagoon before flying off to the SE, a Brambling was seen on the Causeway and two Golden-eye flew around the site before landing on the Large Gravel Pit. Three flocks of Fieldfares flew through and there was a small arrival of Goldcrests. Four Chiffchaff were along the Ouse Dyke and also seen were several Redpoll, Siskins, a Mistle Thrush and a Jay.  PS.