This morning, as the sun rose, two cream-top Marsh Harriers were seen leaving their roost in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. There were at least 50 Wigeon on the Slurry Lagoon and later two Bearded Reedlings flew across in front of the bench. Two Redpoll flew over and, along the Pylon Path, first a Brambling, then about 80 Redwing flew over.
Tag Archives: Brambling
Bearded Reedling – 13th November
This morning, during the Monthly Bird Count, eight Bearded Reedlings were seen in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. Also seen were a Pintail, a Green Sandpiper and a Brambling . 29 golden Plovers also circled the Slurry Lagoon before flying off. MC.
Stonechat – 1st November
This morning a pair of Stonechats were on the Ecopark. The Slurry Lagoon had masses of ducks, coots and gulls on it, including over 250 Wigeon. PG.
In the afternoon there were two Caspian Gulls and five Yellow-legged Gulls in the Deep Pit area. A Great White Egret was on the Wader Scrape, a Pintail on the Ecopark and two Bramblings on the Severn/Trent field. MC.
Brambling – 28th October
This morning a Brambling flew over the Ecopark. Other finch species in a large flock along the Ouse Dyke included Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Linnet and Redpoll. Several Redwings were also seen. IEP. PS.
Brambling – 18th October
This morning a Brambling flew over the Wader Scrape. Later two Lesser Redpolls were also seen. PS.
Brambling – 6th November
This morning a Brambling was calling from the bushes at the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon and nearby, in the Birches, was a small flock of Lesser Redpolls. A Redshank was heard calling from the Slurry Lagoon and the female Pintail was still present. PS
Brambling – 14th October
This morning there were plenty of Redwing about and a few Fieldfares. Skylark, Redpoll and Siskin were also flying over and a Brambling was heard along the Ouse Dyke. One Pintail was still present on the Slurry Lagoon. PS.
Barn Owl – 24th November
This morning a Barn Owl was seen hunting along the Boundary Hedge. Two Egyptian Geese flew over to the flooded field across the river. The seed crop on the Wader Scrape had good numbers of Reed Buntings and Linnets feeding in it, a Brambling was heard near the bird table and a Chiffchaff was seen along the Ouse Dyke. PS.
Brambling – 8th April
This morning a Ringed Plover flew over the site towards the flooded fields by the Trent. A Raven was being mobbed by five or six Carrion Crows as it investigated the sheep and lambs across the river. A stunning male Brambling was in the Deep Pit, close to the bird table, showing really well and a Willow Warbler was singing from the Slurry Lagoon hedgerow. PS
Woodlark – 7th October
This morning, during the Patchwatch, a light passage of migrant birds was observed. Species seen included Skylark (with one Woodlark amongst them), Redwing, Fieldfare, Meadow Pipit, Swallow, Stonechat, Brambling and Siskin. On the Slurry Lagoon Wigeon, Pintail, Water Rail, Jack Snipe, Snipe and eight Bearded Tits were seen, a Nuthatch was seen in the corner of the Deep Pit and two Peregrines were on the pylon. Towards dusk a Barn Owl was seen. In total over seventy species were seen. PS.