Tag Archives: Nuthatch

Woodlark – 7th October

This morning, during the Patchwatch, a light passage of migrant birds was observed. Species seen included Skylark (with one Woodlark amongst them), Redwing, Fieldfare, Meadow Pipit, Swallow, Stonechat, Brambling and Siskin. On the Slurry Lagoon Wigeon, Pintail, Water Rail, Jack Snipe, Snipe and eight Bearded Tits were seen, a Nuthatch was seen in the corner of the Deep Pit and two Peregrines were on the pylon. Towards dusk a Barn Owl was seen. In total over seventy species were seen. PS.

Red-breasted Merganser – 9th April

This morning, amongst the Shovelers, Teal, Tufted Duck and Gadwall on the Slurry Lagoon were a superb pair of Red-breasted Mergansers. More Sedge Warblers had come in overnight and were singing in the reed beds and a Water Rail was also calling.   PS.

Along the Ouse Dyke a Nuthatch was found RW and earlier a Barn Owl was seen LD/PD.

In the afternoon, on the Bird Walk, the Mergansers were still present and a Barn Owl was seen along the Lower Path. Also seen was a Roe Deer that jumped the Slurry Lagoon fence and crossed the path in front of us.   PS.

Red-breasted Mergansers

In the late afternoon a Firecrest was found, singing, along the Ouse Dyke.   RW.

Nuthatch – 17th September

This morning a Nuthatch flew along the river at tree-top height. A 1st for site. Also seen were two Ravens, on the pylons, a Hobby hawking insects over the Slurry Lagoon while a Snipe dropped into the reed-bed. There was still a light passage of swallows and martins.   PS.

In the afternoon there were four Ravens present.   RW.