Tag Archives: peregrine

Woodcock – 3rd December

This morning two Chiffchaffs were calling from the Slurry Lagoon north path, where a Woodcock was disturbed and flew through the trees down the bank. A Peregrine was on the new pylon and a Great White Egret and Little Egret were on the Ouse Dyke near the Wader Scrape. A male Goosander was on the Slurry Lagoon and two Fieldfares flew over. PS.

Arctic Tern – 29th April

Early on this morning two Arctic Terns were seen flying through and a Swift was briefly over the Deep Pit. A Peregrine was seen carrying prey, possibly a small wader. JV.

As it warmed up butterflies began to be seen. On a small, flowering Rowan there were five Green Hairstreaks. Species also seen were Brimstone, Orange-tip, Small White, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood and Peacock. PS.

Green Hairstreaks – Mark Tyler.