This morning an immature Spoonbill flew over the site. A Grasshopper Warbler was heard in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed and a Stoat was seen on the Causeway path. JV.
Spoonbill – Jason Vickers.
This morning an immature Spoonbill flew over the site. A Grasshopper Warbler was heard in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed and a Stoat was seen on the Causeway path. JV.
Spoonbill – Jason Vickers.
This morning there were plenty of hirundines about and Willow, Sedge and Reed Warblers singing. In mid-morning seven Cattle Egrets flew north, along the river and then crossed the pylon path and returned whence they came except for one that landed in a riverside ash tree, where Black-headed Gulls proceeded to mob it. It then flew over the power lines and into a Deep Pit willow, where it stayed. PS.
Cattle Egrets – Neil Hodgkinson
Cattle Egret – Peter Smith
In the evening four House Martins were seen near the railway bridge. MC.
This morning a Little Gull and a Wheatear were seen and the first Sedge Warbler was singing. JV.
By early afternoon there were 2 Sedge Warblers, 4 Reed Warblers, 18 singing Willow Warblers and a Whitethroat plus a singing Marsh Tit by the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon. The Little Gull was still present. Later in the afternoon a juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen flying high over the site to the east. MC.
There was a Grasshopper Warbler heard by the railway bridge, by the steps. RW.
Marsh Tit – Miles Cluff
This morning two Arctic Terns were feeding over the Slurry Lagoon and stayed for most of the day. Good numbers of hirundines were seen flying through. In the afternoon a Cattle Egret flew over the site twice. MC.
Cattle Egret – Miles Cluff
Arctic Tern – Miles Cluff
This morning there were five Willow Warblers singing and a Swallow was seen with four Sand Martins. There was also a report of a Scaup. PD.
Later a 1st summer Little Gull was flying over the Slurry Lagoon and Deep Pit. MC.
Little Gull – Miles Cluff
This morning eight Whooper Swans landed on the Slurry Lagoon. Unfortunately the resident Mute Swans were a little put out, so the Whoopers left. JV
Whooper Swans – Jason Vickers
This morning there were about twenty Chiffchaffs singing around the site and the first Blackcap was heard, giving a tentative song. Three Oystercatchers flew over the Deep Pit, making a lot of noise. As it warmed up, Small Sallow Mining Bees and Tawny Mining Bees were seen on the fence posts, and three Brimstones, three Comas, two Tortoiseshells and a Peacock were flying. PS.
This morning a Mediterranean Gull paid a brief visit to the Slurry Lagoon. A Raven flew along the river to the Enva site. During a brief spell of sunshine two male Toads, a male and a female Brimstone and a Peacock were seen – Spring is Springing! PS.
Mediterranean Gull – JV.
This morning the tagged Marsh Harrier was seen leaving its roost. Two Peregrines were seen flying together in courtship. The Chiffchaff was singing again from its usual tree. JV.
This morning the Marsh Harrier – 6T – was seen again over the Slurry Lagoon. Eventually the crows drove it away. JV.
Marsh Harrier and Carrion Crow – Jason Vickers.
Later, four Oystercatchers and two Chiffchaffs were seen, one singing. PS.