This morning eight Whooper Swans landed on the Slurry Lagoon. Unfortunately the resident Mute Swans were a little put out, so the Whoopers left. JV
Whooper Swans – Jason Vickers
This morning eight Whooper Swans landed on the Slurry Lagoon. Unfortunately the resident Mute Swans were a little put out, so the Whoopers left. JV
Whooper Swans – Jason Vickers
This morning three Whooper Swans circled the site before deciding to fly off high to the east. A Bittern was seen in the reed-bed at the north end of the Large Gravel Pit and three Ravens were seen on the pylons. At least four Common Gulls were on the Slurry Lagoon. PS.
This morning there were eighteen Whooper Swans on the Slurry Lagoon. Four Bearded Reedlings were seen in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed, a Peregrine passed through and there were four Sand Martins by the railway bridge. PD.
Later a group of seven Buzzards were displaying and tussling in the same thermal. First a Raven joined them and later a Red Kite flew through them without reacting. The Whooper Swans left at about 11.30. PS.
In the late afternoon a Blackcap was singing from the Causeway. RJP.
This morning, during the Monthly Birdcount, four Whooper Swans circled over the Deep Pit. They very nearly landed, but thought better of it. The Marsh Harrier was seen again, being mobbed by crows in the Deep Pit and later flying high over the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed and a Raven was also seen over the Slurry Lagoon. Over the Ecopark a Ring-necked Parakeet was seen. PS.
This morning there were seven Whooper Swans on the Deep Pit. They had probably spent the night there and had gone by 08.30. There was also a flock of about 20 Lesser Redpolls in a Deep Pit birch tree and a Peregrine was on the new pylon again. PS.
In the evening there were about 10,000 Starlings at the roost , eight more Whooper Swans were seen flying NW and a Tawny Owl was calling from the Deep Pit bank. PR.
This morning there were 11 Whooper Swan in total. 6 flew through west calling, there was a single bird briefly on the Large Gravel Pit before being chased off by Mute Swans and 4 flew east late morning. -The 1st winter Caspian Gull was still on the Deep Pit.-c250 Redwing in several flocks through the morning.- A Drake Pintail still on the Eco-park.- 10+ Skylark through. MC.
Around 95 Whooper Swans were seen flying north, high over the lagoons, this evening. There is also still one Green Sandpiper about. RW.
A Whooper Swan was on the Deep Pit this afternoon. A Marsh Harrier came in to roost in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed this evening and there was a murmuration of about 10,000 Starlings. A Bearded Tit was also heard going to roost and two Green Sandpipers were on the Ecopool. RW.
This afternoon two Whooper Swans were seen at the lagoons. There was a murmuration of about 10,000 Starlings and a Bearded Tit was heard at the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon. RW.
This morning a small flock of about 20 Fieldfares flew over the reserve, but the bushes everywhere had Redwings in them, perhaps 200 or more. Five Egyptian Geese flew over from the flooded fields and three Snipe. Towards mid-day 12 Whooper Swans flew over to the NE. PS.