Tag Archives: Buzzard

Otter – 12th February

This morning two male Peregrines flew over the site in a territorial dispute. On the Slurry Lagoon the ducks and gulls were very unsettled. Eventually an Otter showed itself as the culprit, as it also flushed a Bittern from the reed-bed. Later in the morning a Buzzard flew across the Wader Scrape and was set upon by a male and a female Peregrine who made spectacular stoops and forced an ignominious retreat back to the plantation. A Great White Egret was seen at the back of the Large Gravel Pit. PS.

Red Kite – 7th February

This morning the wing-tagged Marsh Harrier was seen again, quartering the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. Later, a Red Kite flew low, over the site and a skein of about sixty Pink-footed Geese flew through to the SW. Birds also seen were an Egyptian Goose, three Buzzards and a Jay. PS.

In the afternoon a pair of Goosander were seen on the river and an Oystercatcher flew over the Deep Pit. IEP.

Whooper Swan – 27th March

This morning there were eighteen Whooper Swans on the Slurry Lagoon. Four Bearded Reedlings were seen in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed, a Peregrine passed through and there were four Sand Martins by the railway bridge. PD.

Later a group of seven Buzzards were displaying and tussling in the same thermal. First a Raven joined them and later a Red Kite flew through them without reacting. The Whooper Swans left at about 11.30. PS.

In the late afternoon a Blackcap was singing from the Causeway. RJP.

Egyptian Goose – 28th August

This morning there was a steady passage of Swallows over the site. There were still Reed and Sedge Warblers in front of the Causeway Bench, and some Water Rails. Twelve Egyptian Geese with one Ruddy Shelduck were loafing on the Slurry Lagoon and a Fox put in a brief appearance, as well as a Kingfisher. Later six Buzzards were sharing a thermal and a Red Kite passed through. PS.

In the early afternoon a Hobby was seen over the Large Gravel Pit, hawking dragonflies. IEP.

In the late afternoon at least three Willow Emeralds were on the Lower Path, by the stepping stones. JDn.

Nine of the Egyptian Geese – PS.

Marsh Harrier – 27th August

This morning there was a Greenshank on the Ecopark, and a Snipe on the Slurry Lagoon, with four Wigeon. In the afternoon, a Hobby, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, two Kestrels and a Peregrine were seen. Also two Dunlin flew over the site. A Water Shrew was seen in the Ouse Dyke. IEP.

House Sparrow – 28th May

A male House Sparrow was seen this morning on the Lower Path, close to the river. This is a very rare sighting now at the lagoons. Also heard or seen were a Cuckoo, Green Woodpecker and Grasshopper Warbler along with four Brimstones, five Green Hairstreaks, ten Common Blues, four male Orange-tips, two Green-veined Whites, a Peacock, a Large White and a Latticed Heath. SC/PG.

Also seen this morning were three Hobbies, two Buzzards and a mass of gulls and terns catching flying ants. PS.