This morning, as the sun rose, two cream-top Marsh Harriers were seen leaving their roost in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. There were at least 50 Wigeon on the Slurry Lagoon and later two Bearded Reedlings flew across in front of the bench. Two Redpoll flew over and, along the Pylon Path, first a Brambling, then about 80 Redwing flew over.
Tag Archives: Bearded Reedling
Bearded Reedling – 27th September
This morning there were two Bearded Reedlings seen in the Slurry Lagoon reedbed. There was also a Dunlin feeding on the floating weed. Also seen were a Water Rail, Peregrine and Hobby. JV.
Whooper Swan – 27th March
This morning there were eighteen Whooper Swans on the Slurry Lagoon. Four Bearded Reedlings were seen in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed, a Peregrine passed through and there were four Sand Martins by the railway bridge. PD.

Later a group of seven Buzzards were displaying and tussling in the same thermal. First a Raven joined them and later a Red Kite flew through them without reacting. The Whooper Swans left at about 11.30. PS.

In the late afternoon a Blackcap was singing from the Causeway. RJP.
Bearded Reedling – 19th March
This morning six Bearded Reedlings were seen in the NE corner of the Slurry Lagoon. They were very active flying up on several occasions as if about to leave the reed-bed, but then dropping back down again some distance away. Also a Bittern was heard booming. PS/MT
A Blackcap was also reported. RJP
Bittern – 17th March
This morning four Bearded Reedlings were seen in the NE corner of the Slurry Lagoon. MT/PS
At midday a Bittern was seen flying into the Deep Pit and was later heard booming. MW
Bearded Reedlings – 5th February
This morning there were six Bearded Reedlings feeding in the NE corner of the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. There was also a pair of Stonechats on the Ecopark. MW.
Peregrine – 22nd January
This morning both Peregrines were on the new pylon. Two Ravens flew over the Slurry Lagoon towards the Enva plant and an Egyptian Goose flew over towards the north. PS.
Later a Goosander was seen on the river. RJP.
In the afternoon the Bearded Reedlings were heard on the east side of the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed and a Pink-footed Goose was seen with the Greylag flock across the river. MC.
Bearded Reedlings – 16th January
Late morning a female Marsh Harrier was seen over the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. In the early afternoon at least four Bearded Reedlings were heard on the eastern side of the reed-bed. MW. MC.
Bearded Reedling – 4th January
This morning two Chiffchaffs and twelve Common Snipe were seen on the Ecopark. There were four Bearded Reedlings seen in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed and a Peregrine flew over the site. IEP.
Goosander – 4th December
This morning a male Goosander circled the site and two Ravens were about most of the morning. The Bearded Reedlings were heard, but not seen, from the Causeway. PS.