Tag Archives: 27th September

Marsh Harrier – 27th September

A Marsh Harrier flew over the Slurry Lagoon at about 3.30 p.m. this afternoon.  It was a cream-crown and probably a juvenile bird.  It put up every bird on the Slurry as it flew over the reed beds for some minutes being persued particularly by the Lapwings until they chased it over S.T. land.  However a few minutes later it came back for a second try but again the Lapwings chased it away and this time it flew over the Deep Pit and down the river.  JMD.

Caspian Gull – 27th September

During the ‘Patchwatch’ a Caspian Gull was tentatively identified on the Slurry Lagoon. Also present was a Dunlin, two Green Sandpipers, three Jays and the Pintail. There were still several species of warbler in evidence and a light passage of Skylarks and Meadow Pipits was noted. The Peregrine was seen again and two skeins of Pink-footed Geese were seen flying west. Seventy-six species of bird were noted during the day. PS.