This morning the three water bodies were all mostly frozen over. There were a lot of gulls resting on the ice, including Great Black-backed, Lesser Black-backed, Herring, Common and Black-headed. Amongst one group of Black-headed Gulls on the Deep Pit was a Yellow-legged Gull. Also a pair of Black Swans have arrived from somewhere and are on the Deep Pit. At the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon a flock of about thirty Lesser Redpolls were feeding in the Birch trees. PS.
Tag Archives: Black Swan
Yellow-legged Gull – 1st February
Woodcock – 26th December
A Woodcock flew through the Deep Pit bushes, chased by two Magpies, well before dusk, and a Black Swan was on the Deep Pit before being chased off by resident Mutes and relocating on the Large Gravel Pit. JMD.
Barn Owl – 18th January
This afternoon a Barn Owl was seen hunting around the Gravel Pits and two Buzzards were perched untidily in a birch tree across the Wader Scrape. The Black Swan was still with the Mute Swans across the river and a Goosander flew over the site. Four Siskins were seen along the entrance path and 23 Linnets were near the railway bridge. PS.
Brambling – 17th January
This morning a Brambling was seen amongst a flock of about 50 Chaffinches along the Ouse Dyke. Two Shelduck were on the Slurry Lagoon and the Black Swan was still with the Mute Swans and geese across the river. Two skeins of Pink-feet flew over and a single bird was with the Grey-lag flock. PS.
In the afternoon a Little Gull was briefly on the Slurry Lagoon and the Barn Owl was seen hunting around the Gravel Pits. NM.
Willow Tit – 16th January
The Black Swan was with a herd of 38 Mute Swans feeding in the field across the river and upstream of the railway bridge. Several hundred Grey-lag and Canada Geese were also there. The Willow Tit was briefly heard and seen along the Lower Path, five Cetti’s Warblers were heard as well as four Water Rails. PS.
Jack Snipe – 23rd November
This morning, amongst the finches along the Slurry Lagoon north path, there were at least two Bramblings. Along the Lower Path, on willow herb growing in the Typhus Pool, there was a flock of about forty Lesser Redpoll. At the water’s edge in front of the bench on the Causeway, a Jack Snipe was flushed and the Black Swan is still in residence on the Large Gravel Pit. Also a Treecreeper was seen on the old hawthorns along Willow Walk. PS.
In the evening a Barn Owl was seen over the grassland next to the Large Gravel pit. JMD.
Willow Tit – 22nd November
This morning there were several hundred mainly Grey-lag Geese on the Large Gravel Pit. Amongst them was the Mandarin drake again and the Black Swan is still in residence. A young male Peregrine was hunting over the reserve and a Golden Plover flew over calling. Along the Lower Path there were some small finch flocks and a flock containing several Redpoll also had a Willow Tit tagging along. Four geese flying over separately from the other geese were possibly White-fronted Geese, but it wasn’t possible to get a good view of them to be certain. PS.
Woodcock – 25th October
This morning the Black Swan was still on the Large Gravel Pit. A flock of about forty Lesser Redpoll were feeding on Willow Herb and Meadowsweet along the Lower Path. At one time one with a very pale rump was briefly seen. A Woodcock was flushed from the willows in the SE corner of the reserve, at the river end of the Boundary Hedge. PS.
Bittern – 20th October
The Black Swan spent the day with two Mute Swans on the Deep Pit. In the evening the Mandarin arrived with its goose friends and flew across the site three times before they decided to roost somewhere else. About 5,000 Starlings came in to roost and later a Bittern was seen and a Tawny Owl was heard. Noctule and Pipistrelle were recorded on the bat detector. RW.
Mandarin – 19th October
This evening, whilst watching about 5,000 Starlings come in to roost, a strange looking duck came in with a squadron of Grey-lag Geese. It stayed with the flock as they flew over and was still with them when they returned to land on the Slurry Lagoon. Looking through a scope it was clear to see it was a drake Mandarin. There were also three Snipe and up to five Water Rail, one showing quite well by the bench. Earlier a 1st winter Bearded Tit was also seen in the reed bed. PS.
Later on the Black Swan came in to roost in the Deep Pit. RW.