Tag Archives: Willow tit

Red-crested Pochard – 6th August

In the late afternoon there were two Black-tailed Godwits  and three Green Sandpipers on the Slurry Lagoon. Also seen was a Bittern in the Slurry Lagoon reeds at dusk, three Water Rail, one Red-crested Pochard, a Willow Tit, a Hobby, 40 Swallows and 300 Starlings which came in to roost.  RW.

Willow Tit – 16th January

The Black Swan was with a herd of 38 Mute Swans feeding in the field across the river and upstream of the railway bridge. Several hundred Grey-lag and Canada Geese were also there. The Willow Tit was briefly heard and seen along the Lower Path, five Cetti’s Warblers were heard as well as four Water Rails.  PS.

Willow Tit – 22nd November

This morning there were several hundred mainly Grey-lag Geese on the Large Gravel Pit. Amongst them was the Mandarin drake again and the Black Swan is still in residence. A young male Peregrine was hunting over the reserve and a Golden Plover flew over calling. Along the Lower Path there were some small finch flocks and a flock containing several Redpoll also had a Willow Tit tagging along. Four geese flying over separately from the other geese were possibly White-fronted Geese, but it wasn’t possible to get a good view of them to be certain.  PS.