This morning the male and female Stonechats were seen on the Wader Scrape. A Brambling and a Siskin were heard along the path on the north side of the Slurry Lagoon, and two Frogs were seen in the Deep Pit and a Red Admiral was seen on the Causeway. SC. PS.
Tag Archives: 2015
Barn Owl – 24th December
The Barn Owl was seen again this afternoon and the Stonechat was also about until driven into cover by the hail storm. JMD.
Goosander – 21st December
This morning a female Goosander flew over the site before investigating the Large Gravel Pit. The two Stonechats were still on the substation plantation. PS.
Willow Tit – 20th December
This morning there were a male and a female Stonechat on the newly planted trees in front of the substation. Five Cetti’s Warblers were heard and a Willow Tit was seen on the Lower Path. PS.
Brambling – 7th December
Amongst a large finch flock beside the Ouse Dyke path this afternoon a Brambling was spotted. A Treecreeper was also seen in trees on the Ouse Dyke bank. SC.
Stonechat – 6th December
This morning a male Stonechat was on the Wader Scrape and later moved to the new trees planted around the sub-station. There were also plenty of Redwings and a flock of Redpoll feeding on the willow herb along the Lower Path. PS.
Stonechat – 25th November
Today there were two Stonechats on the Wader Scrape and the Barn Owl was seen by the Large Gravel Pit. JMD.
Jack Snipe – 23rd November
This morning, amongst the finches along the Slurry Lagoon north path, there were at least two Bramblings. Along the Lower Path, on willow herb growing in the Typhus Pool, there was a flock of about forty Lesser Redpoll. At the water’s edge in front of the bench on the Causeway, a Jack Snipe was flushed and the Black Swan is still in residence on the Large Gravel Pit. Also a Treecreeper was seen on the old hawthorns along Willow Walk. PS.
In the evening a Barn Owl was seen over the grassland next to the Large Gravel pit. JMD.
Mandarin – 21st November
This morning there were several hundred Grey-lag and Canada Geese feeding in the field beside the reserve. With them again was the Mandarin drake that seems to think it is a goose. There was a Great Spotted Woodpecker along the Riverside Walk and a Little Egret on the Large Gravel Pit. PS.
Bittern – 13th November
This morning there was a large flock of Redpolls and Goldfinches feeding on the willow-herb and burdock at the foot of the bank overlooking the Wader Scrape. A Bittern flew into the Deep Pit and landed in a reedbed adjacent to the Causeway. PS.