This morning two Chiffchaffs were calling from the Slurry Lagoon north path, where a Woodcock was disturbed and flew through the trees down the bank. A Peregrine was on the new pylon and a Great White Egret and Little Egret were on the Ouse Dyke near the Wader Scrape. A male Goosander was on the Slurry Lagoon and two Fieldfares flew over. PS.
Tag Archives: Ouse Dyke
Woodcock – 3rd December
Spotted Flycatcher – 8th September
This morning there were three Ravens flying near the metal gates. Later two flew over the bird table. From the Causeway bench the Water Rails were seen again, plus Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and a Hobby. On the Lower Path, near the large oak at the car park end, a Spotted Flycatcher was seen. PS.

In the afternoon, two Treecreepers were found in trees along the Ouse Dyke. RJP.
There are at least 35 Yellow Wagtails in the field beside the Ouse Dyke, in front of the houses. The sub-station field still has three Whinchat present. JDn.
Siskin – 8th March
This morning there were eight Siskins feeding in Alders along the Access Track, a Red Kite glided over the Large Gravel Pit and an Oystercatcher flew over the Deep Pit towards the river. A Chiffchaff was singing along the Ouse Dyke, another along the Lower Path and one along the Riverside Walk. PS/DM/RJP/IEP.

Great White Egret – 7th March
This morning a Ruddy Shelduck flew over the site towards the river from the Ecopark. Later a Great White Egret flew over the site to the south. There are still good numbers of Shoveler on the Slurry Lagoon and a small flock of Lesser Redpolls were on the Slurry Lagoon birches. PS.
Later in the afternoon a Chiffchaff was heard singing in trees along the Ouse Dyke. JDn.
Brambling – 28th October
This morning a Brambling flew over the Ecopark. Other finch species in a large flock along the Ouse Dyke included Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Linnet and Redpoll. Several Redwings were also seen. IEP. PS.
Great White Egret – 18th September
This morning a Great White Egret flew over the Slurry Lagoon and down into the Ouse Dyke. Two Egyptian Geese flew over the site, a Reed Warbler was still foraging in the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed, and a Raven flew up from the Slurry Lagoon to the pylons carrying a large piece of food. PS.
Marsh Harrier – 27th August
This morning there was a Greenshank on the Ecopark, and a Snipe on the Slurry Lagoon, with four Wigeon. In the afternoon, a Hobby, Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, two Kestrels and a Peregrine were seen. Also two Dunlin flew over the site. A Water Shrew was seen in the Ouse Dyke. IEP.
Grasshopper Warbler – 27th July
This morning a Grasshopper Warbler was heard reeling on the northern bank of the Slurry Lagoon, by the Ouse Dyke. The Water Rail was again seen fluttering across in front of the Causeway bench. PS.
Greenshank – 25th July
This morning a Greenshank flew around the Slurry Lagoon, nearly landing in front of the bench but then thinking better of it. A second bird could be heard calling from the Eco-park. The Water Rail fluttered across in front of the bench again and a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling at the bottom of the Slurry Lagoon bank, by the Ouse Dyke. PS.
There were at least fifty Swifts over the Slurry Lagoon later on, several juvenile Sedge Warblers were seen in the reed-bed and an Oystercatcher flew along the river. RJP.
Green Sandpiper – 20th February
A Green Sandpiper was on the Ecopark, as well as a flock of twenty Chaffinches which also contained a Lesser Redpoll and there were good numbers of Redwings. The Chiffchaff was still along the Ouse Dyke and a male Goosander flew over the Deep Pit. IP.