Tag Archives: Yellow Wagtail

Great White Egret – 17th September

This morning, just before the Bird Walk commenced, two Great White Egrets flew onto the Slurry Lagoon. Unfortunately they only stayed for a few minutes. During the walk some passage Siskins, Yellow Wagtails and a Meadow Pipit flew over. Also seen were several Migrant Hawkers and Red Admirals, and a single Small Copper. PS.

Wheatear – 27th August

This morning a single and later a pair of Yellow Wagtails flew over the site towards the south. On the Causeway path a Wheatear was foraging for food and a flock of hirundines, including at least 20 House Martins, was feeding overhead. From time to time a group of Swallows or Sand Martins would join them before moving on south. Later fourteen Shoveler flew in and settled on the Slurry Lagoon. PS.

Wheatear. PS.

Merlin – 25th April

This morning a Red Kite was hunting over the reserve. Two Ravens were also seen. One Raven then flew to mob the kite and next a Merlin joined in. A Garden Warbler was heard and seen close to the railway bridge. A Green Hairstreak was seen as well as two Commas. PS.

In the morning there was a flock of Swallows in the Deep Pit and a Yellow Wagtail. RJP.

Spotted Flycatcher – 8th September

This morning there were three Ravens flying near the metal gates. Later two flew over the bird table. From the Causeway bench the Water Rails were seen again, plus Reed Warblers, Sedge Warblers and a Hobby. On the Lower Path, near the large oak at the car park end, a Spotted Flycatcher was seen. PS.

Spotted Flycatcher – PS.

In the afternoon, two Treecreepers were found in trees along the Ouse Dyke. RJP.

There are at least 35 Yellow Wagtails in the field beside the Ouse Dyke, in front of the houses. The sub-station field still has three Whinchat present. JDn.