Tag Archives: Garden Warbler

Arctic Tern – 2nd May

This morning there were two Arctic Terns foraging over the Deep Pit with a Common Tern. Later they flew off to the North, and a second Common Tern was seen with the other one in the Deep Pit – one carrying a fish. There were at least ten Garden Warblers singing and the first Xanthogramma citrofasciatum – hoverfly – was seen, recently emerged. PS.

Garden Warbler – Peter Smith.

Xanthogramma citrofasciatum – Peter Smith.

Merlin – 25th April

This morning a Red Kite was hunting over the reserve. Two Ravens were also seen. One Raven then flew to mob the kite and next a Merlin joined in. A Garden Warbler was heard and seen close to the railway bridge. A Green Hairstreak was seen as well as two Commas. PS.

In the morning there was a flock of Swallows in the Deep Pit and a Yellow Wagtail. RJP.

Common Tern – 26th April

This morning a female Marsh Harrier was hunting over the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. She then circled for height and flew to the NE. Two Common Terns were over the Deep Pit and then flew SE towards Holme Pierrepont. A Red Kite was chased across the site by a Carrion Crow, N to S and a Curlew flew over the site, S to N. There were three Garden Warblers singing and four Lesser Whitethroats singing. PS.

Little Gull – 23rd April

This morning there was a passage of Little Gulls through the reserve. At about 08.00 ten flew through to the north. Later a single flew through and then decided to stop on the Large Gravel Pit where, at about 11.40, eleven more flew in and joined it. They were hawking St. Marks Flies over the water and were later joined by one Arctic Tern. There were also two Whimbrel seen early on, flying through to the NE. Two Ravens were around the Slurry Lagoon and a Cuckoo was also seen there. Three Lesser Whitethroats and a Garden Warbler were singing along with most of the other warbler species. PS.

Willow Warbler.
Arctic Tern MC
Little Gull MC
Little Gull MC

Arctic Tern – 21st April

This morning, an Arctic Tern was briefly over the Deep Pit (9am) before flying off south-east. A Garden Warbler was singing and showing well by the river near the railway bridge and a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling below the bench at the north-end of the Pylon Path, below the pylon. Reed Warblers were heard in the Slurry Lagoon reed bed and a Raven was over the Slurry Lagoon. Two Peregrines were on the new pylon, one brought prey in, which was not far of its own size. Little Ringed Plover on the Ecopark. IEP.

Red Kite – 27th May

This morning the hepatic female Cuckoo was seen on the Slurry Lagoon. A Hobby was joined by a Red Kite as they both hawked for damselflies above the Pylon Path. All ten warbler species were heard singing, ( Cetti’s, Willow, Reed, Sedge, Garden, Grasshopper, Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap and Chiffchaff.) some in good numbers. Later two Hobbies were hawking damselflies over the Slurry Lagoon and a Water Rail was heard chipping from the reed bed. The damselflies included Red-eyed, Common Blue and Blue-tailed plus a Four-spotted Chaser was seen. PS.

Ruddy Shelduck – 11th May

This morning there were three Lapwings, four Common Terns and a Ruddy Shelduck (flew over) on the Ecopark. A Treecreeper was by the bridge from the Ouse Dyke, and there were two Cuckoo’s on site, one around the Large Gravel pit, one perched in a birch in the Slurry Lagoon reeds. Also there was a Lesser Whitethroat and Garden Warbler amongst the warblers.  IEP.

Osprey – 5th May

This morning there were two Swifts with the hirundines feeding over the Slurry Lagoon and Deep Pit. Four Garden Warblers and five Willow Warblers were heard singing. PS.

In the late afternoon an Osprey flew over the Deep Pit, mobbed by at least twelve Common Terns. The Ecopark had one Wood Sandpiper, one Ringed Plover and a Dunlin. RW.