Tag Archives: Osprey

Osprey – 5th May

This morning there were two Swifts with the hirundines feeding over the Slurry Lagoon and Deep Pit. Four Garden Warblers and five Willow Warblers were heard singing. PS.

In the late afternoon an Osprey flew over the Deep Pit, mobbed by at least twelve Common Terns. The Ecopark had one Wood Sandpiper, one Ringed Plover and a Dunlin. RW.

Osprey – 30th March

This morning there were two Shelduck on the Deep Pit. There are now seven Sand Martins by the railway bridge, and there were two Blackcaps, six Chiffchaffs and eight Cetti’s Warblers singing. DM.

Later on an Osprey was seen flying over the site JDn.

An Orange-tip was seen and four Little Ringed Plovers were on the Eco-park. RW.