The orchids are beginning to come out now and several Marsh Orchids can be seen, especially around the Slurry Lagoon and Deep Pit. The first Bee Orchid was found today at the northern end of the Deep Pit. PS.

This morning several Bee Orchid plants were found around the reserve but mainly at the northern end of the Deep Pit, on the inner bank. PS.
This morning, at about 11.30, an Osprey flew north through the site. Some Bee Orchids are in flower and some Northern Marsh-orchids. PS.
On the Orchid Walk today the Common Spotted Orchids were still not in flower. Several Southern Marsh Orchids were found however, and lots of hybrid Spotted/Marsh. On the Deep Pit bank opposite the Junction Box there were several Bee Orchids and plenty of Common Blue butterflies. A Large Skipper was seen and a Painted Lady dashed through. PS.
There are now lots of Southern Marsh, Spotted and Bee Orchids out and even a few Pyramidal. A new species for the site has also been tentatively identified as Northern Marsh Orchid. The first Meadow Browns have also been seen. PS.
There are lots of Southern Marsh Orchids out now and in some areas the Spotted Orchids and their hybrids are out too. The Bee Orchids will be another week or so. PS.