Tag Archives: Painted Lady

Painted Lady – 13th July

This afternoon on the Butterfly Walk, fifteen species of butterfly were seen, including a Painted Lady, three Essex Skippers, two Common Blues, two Brimstones and over ten Red Admirals. Also seen were some day-flying moths such as Common Purple and Gold, Latticed Heath, Shaded Broad-bar and Six-spot Burnet. PS

Painted Lady

Common Purple and Gold

Bee Orchid – 7th June

On the Orchid Walk today the Common Spotted Orchids were still  not in flower. Several Southern Marsh Orchids were found however, and lots of hybrid Spotted/Marsh. On the Deep Pit bank opposite the Junction Box there were several Bee Orchids and plenty of Common Blue butterflies. A Large  Skipper was seen and a Painted Lady dashed through.  PS.

Roe Deer – 17th June

A male Roe Deer was seen on the Lower Path this afternoon, before it disappeared onto the railway land. A Hobby was seen hawking insects and persuing Hirundines and six Red-tipped Clearwings and two Belted Clearwings were attracted to pheromone lures. RW.

A Painted Lady was feeding from a thistle flower by the Slurry Lagoon, where the first summer Little Gull spent most of the afternoon and three Buzzards were sparring high overhead. PS.