There were lots of thrushes and finches feeding on the site this morning. Three Little Egrets were on the Ouse Dyke and Wader Scrape and four Egyptian Geese flew over the Slurry Lagoon. PS.
Tag Archives: 2013
Woodcock – 17th December
Towards dusk, while watching Redwings coming in to roost in the Deep Pit, a Peregrine was seen flying through, parallel with the pylons. A pre-roost gathering of 37 Magpies collected in the bushes and a Woodcock flew along the bottom of the bank. PS.
Merlin – 13th December
A Merlin was seen this afternoon flying south over the railway signal box. PS.
Redwing – 12th December
This evening, as the Redwings came in to roost in the scrub on the Deep Pit banks, a white bird was seen amongst them. It was obviously a Redwing but, apart from some streaking on the head, it was almost completely white. The bill was dark, with perhaps a hint of yellow at the base, and the eye looked dark. It was streaked most heavily on the crown with some more on the cheeks and throat. The light was poor and it buried itself in the hawthorn, so views were not perfect, but it was a stunning sight of what was probably a leucistic bird. PS.
Brambling – 8th December
During the monthly bird count a Brambling was found in a flock of Chaffinches, along the Boundary Hedge. On the Lower Path the small flock of Lesser Redpolls was still about but they were hard to approach, it was not possible to be sure if the Mealy Redpoll was still with them or not. PS.
Mealy Redpoll – 6th December
This morning a small flock of Lesser Redpolls was feeding on Willow Herb, along the Lower Path. They were all typically brownish birds except one which was predominantly grey. This bird was slightly larger than its companions and when it preened its rump it looked nearly all white and its breast was very pale with a slight pink suffusion. Views were not good enough to eliminate an Arctic Redpoll and the beak size and shape were not seen but the bird is tentatively identified as a Mealy Redpoll (Carduelis flammea). PS.
Bittern – 5th December
This morning the Bittern was seen in the Deep Pit, flying into a reed bed. There were also four Little Egrets on the Ouse Dyke and good numbers of winter thrushes, Blackbirds, Redwings and Fieldfares. A Weasel was also seen on the bank of the Deep Pit, crossing to and fro. PS.
Woodcock – 28th November
This evening, as the geese, starlings and crows went to roost a Woodcock flew past in the Deep Pit. There were two Cetti’s Warblers singing and at least six Water Rail were calling. PS.
Tawny Owl – 27th November
This evening there were at least four Cetti’s Warblers singing on the site and several Water Rail were calling from the reed beds. Two Tawny Owls flew over the reed bed in the Deep Pit and some Snipe were heard as they flew against the dark sky. PS.
Merlin – 26th November
As the Starlings came to roost this evening a Merlin dashed in and caught one of their number. Later the geese came in and what may have been a Woodcock flew past, in the gloom. PS.