Tag Archives: Boundary Hedge

Willow Emerald – 25th September

This morning there was still a steady passage of Hirundines, including some Sand Martins. Two Ravens were seen several times and there were three Hobbies catching dragonflies. Along the Boundary Hedge there were several dragonflies including at least seven Willow Emeralds. On the north path beside the Slurry Lagoon an unusually dark Comma was seen. PS.

Willow Emerald

Lesser Emperor – 25th June

The hot, humid conditions this morning suited the dragonflies and several species were seen. There was a Lesser Emperor in front of the Causeway benches, along with Emperors, Four-spotted Chasers and Black-tailed Skimmers. In the NE corner of the Slurry Lagoon a Broad-bodied Chaser was basking. Along the Boundary Hedge immature Ruddy Darters and a Brown Hawker were seen. PS.

Lesser Emperor

Broad-bodied Chaser

Ruddy Darter

Barn Owl – 24th November

This morning a Barn Owl was seen hunting along the Boundary Hedge. Two Egyptian Geese flew over to the flooded field across the river. The seed crop on the Wader Scrape had good numbers of Reed Buntings and Linnets feeding in it, a Brambling was heard near the bird table and a Chiffchaff was seen along the Ouse Dyke. PS.