Tag Archives: Small Tortoiseshell

Green Hairstreak – 14th April

The ‘Bird Walk – Migrants’ went well today with eight of us present. We saw Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers, Blackcaps, Whitethroats, Sedge Warblers and Cetti’s Warblers. There were Swallows and Sand Martins by the railway bridge. As the morning warmed up butterflies emerged with Brimstone, Orange-tip, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Green Hairstreak and Holly Blue all seen.

Green Hairstreak

Goosander – 25th March

This morning there were two male and two female Blackcaps along the Lower Path. On the Large Gravel Pit there was a female Goosander. The Blackthorn by the steps down to the metal footbridge attracted several butterflies including three Small Tortoiseshells, two Commas and a Peacock, as well as several Bee Flies and some hoverflies and bees. PS.

Hobby – June 23rd

This morning a Hobby was seen being mobbed by a Carrion Crow, over the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon. There were two Lesser Whitethroats singing and Meadow Browns and Ringlets were flying. Also seen were Emperor Dragonflies and Black-tailed Skimmers, several Small Tortoiseshells, Red Admirals and a Brimstone. PS.

In the evening a Green Sandpiper was seen on the Eco-park. JMD.

Blackcap – 29th March

This morning there were two Blackcaps singing, six Sand Martin’s by the bridge on the river, ten singing Chiffchaff and two Mistle Thrushes, three Lapwing and three Shelduck on the Eco Park area. Also lots of butterflies;
1 Small White,
10 Small Tortoiseshell.
11 Brimstone
10 Peacock
Also 2 Toads and 3 Roe Deer. SC/PG.

Redstart – 9th April

This morning a male Redstart was seen in the Plantation, near the Causeway end. A Sedge Warbler was singing down the bank and at least five Willow Warblers were singing around the site. Up to fifteen Chiffchaffs were singing and two Blackcaps, and a Swallow was with the Sand Martins by the railway bridge. At least two Wheatears were still on the ploughed field beyond the Wader Scrape and there was still one Goldeneye on the Large Gravel Pit. A Small Tortoiseshell and a Brimstone were seen in flight.  PS.

There was also a report of a distant view of a Red Kite, towards Carlton.