This morning a female Marsh harrier was seen over the Slurry Lagoon, attended by Carrion Crows. A Green Sandpiper was also seen. JV.
Carrion Crow and Marsh Harrier – Jason Vickers.
Willow Warbler – Jason Vickers.
This morning a female Marsh harrier was seen over the Slurry Lagoon, attended by Carrion Crows. A Green Sandpiper was also seen. JV.
Carrion Crow and Marsh Harrier – Jason Vickers.
Willow Warbler – Jason Vickers.
This morning the Marsh Harrier – 6T – was seen again over the Slurry Lagoon. Eventually the crows drove it away. JV.
Marsh Harrier and Carrion Crow – Jason Vickers.
Later, four Oystercatchers and two Chiffchaffs were seen, one singing. PS.
This morning there was a male Marsh Harrier hunting over the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. Two crows attacked it but it landed in the reed-bed and they flew off. PS
This morning the river was still very high and well beyond its banks. A flock of about fifty Pink-footed Geese were flying over when a low aircraft panicked them into flying in a tight bunch. Once the aircraft had gone they sorted themselves out into a stretched V again and departed to the north. A Raven was seen investigating a Carrion Crow nest on a lighting pylon on the railway land. Several Carrion Crows started to dive bomb it until it flew away. PS.
This morning a Hobby was seen being mobbed by a Carrion Crow, over the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon. There were two Lesser Whitethroats singing and Meadow Browns and Ringlets were flying. Also seen were Emperor Dragonflies and Black-tailed Skimmers, several Small Tortoiseshells, Red Admirals and a Brimstone. PS.
In the evening a Green Sandpiper was seen on the Eco-park. JMD.
This morning at Netherfield there were seven singing Willow Warblers, three singing Whitethroats, four singing Sedge Warblers and two singing Reed Warblers. A Raven was seen being mobbed by two Carrion Crows close to the railway bridge. PS.
This morning a Ringed Plover flew over the site towards the flooded fields by the Trent. A Raven was being mobbed by five or six Carrion Crows as it investigated the sheep and lambs across the river. A stunning male Brambling was in the Deep Pit, close to the bird table, showing really well and a Willow Warbler was singing from the Slurry Lagoon hedgerow. PS
This morning a male Marsh Harrier was seen hunting over the Slurry Lagoon reed bed, but was later seen off by three Carrion Crows. A Grasshopper Warbler was heard reeling close to the railway bridge. PS.
This morning at about 10.00 a Bittern was seen flying fairly high over the Slurry Lagoon reedbed. Two Common Terns attacked it as it tried to circle, and forced it lower and then two Carrion Crows joined in, forcing the Bittern into the reedbed. During the next twenty minutes the Bittern tried twice more to get airborne, but with the same result both times. There were also four male Cuckoos and a male Emperor was seen. PS.
A superb male Marsh Harrier was quartering the Slurry Lagoon reed bed this afternoon. Unfortunately it was pestered by Carrion Crows and eventually gave up and continued up the valley. PS.