Tag Archives: Red Admiral

Great White Egret – 17th September

This morning, just before the Bird Walk commenced, two Great White Egrets flew onto the Slurry Lagoon. Unfortunately they only stayed for a few minutes. During the walk some passage Siskins, Yellow Wagtails and a Meadow Pipit flew over. Also seen were several Migrant Hawkers and Red Admirals, and a single Small Copper. PS.

Painted Lady – 13th July

This afternoon on the Butterfly Walk, fifteen species of butterfly were seen, including a Painted Lady, three Essex Skippers, two Common Blues, two Brimstones and over ten Red Admirals. Also seen were some day-flying moths such as Common Purple and Gold, Latticed Heath, Shaded Broad-bar and Six-spot Burnet. PS

Painted Lady

Common Purple and Gold

Hobby – June 23rd

This morning a Hobby was seen being mobbed by a Carrion Crow, over the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon. There were two Lesser Whitethroats singing and Meadow Browns and Ringlets were flying. Also seen were Emperor Dragonflies and Black-tailed Skimmers, several Small Tortoiseshells, Red Admirals and a Brimstone. PS.

In the evening a Green Sandpiper was seen on the Eco-park. JMD.

Wheatear – 6th October

The Patchwatch was held today and there were definite signs of passage as Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, Swallows, Song Thrushes and the first Redwings flew through. The Jack Snipe was still by the seat on the Causeway and a Wheatear was seen perched on the seat by the river steps. On the Slurry Lagoon there were still three Pintail and a Red-crested Pochard.  Butterflies were about too with Brimstone, Red Admiral, Comma, Small Tortoiseshell and a very late Meadow Brown. Over 70 species of bird were seen during the day.  PS.