Tag Archives: Wheatear

Sedge Warbler – 8th April

This morning a Little Gull and a Wheatear were seen and the first Sedge Warbler was singing. JV.

By early afternoon there were 2 Sedge Warblers, 4 Reed Warblers, 18 singing Willow Warblers and a Whitethroat plus a singing Marsh Tit by the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon. The Little Gull was still present. Later in the afternoon a juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen flying high over the site to the east. MC.

There was a Grasshopper Warbler heard by the railway bridge, by the steps. RW.

Marsh Tit – Miles Cluff

Wheatear – 27th August

This morning a single and later a pair of Yellow Wagtails flew over the site towards the south. On the Causeway path a Wheatear was foraging for food and a flock of hirundines, including at least 20 House Martins, was feeding overhead. From time to time a group of Swallows or Sand Martins would join them before moving on south. Later fourteen Shoveler flew in and settled on the Slurry Lagoon. PS.

Wheatear. PS.

Whinchat – 3rd May

Early this afternoon there were two Whinchats at the back of the Wader Scrape. In the field beyond were three Yellow Wagtails and a Wheatear.  RW.

Later on the Whinchats and Wheatear were still present. Along the Deep Pit bank under the pylons two Garden Warblers were singing and by the railway bridge ten Swifts were hawking insects. At the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon there was a female Redstart.  PS.