Tag Archives: Small White

Arctic Tern – 29th April

Early on this morning two Arctic Terns were seen flying through and a Swift was briefly over the Deep Pit. A Peregrine was seen carrying prey, possibly a small wader. JV.

As it warmed up butterflies began to be seen. On a small, flowering Rowan there were five Green Hairstreaks. Species also seen were Brimstone, Orange-tip, Small White, Green-veined White, Speckled Wood and Peacock. PS.

Green Hairstreaks – Mark Tyler.

Blackcap – 29th March

This morning there were two Blackcaps singing, six Sand Martin’s by the bridge on the river, ten singing Chiffchaff and two Mistle Thrushes, three Lapwing and three Shelduck on the Eco Park area. Also lots of butterflies;
1 Small White,
10 Small Tortoiseshell.
11 Brimstone
10 Peacock
Also 2 Toads and 3 Roe Deer. SC/PG.