Tag Archives: Red Kite

Red Kite – 7th February

This morning the wing-tagged Marsh Harrier was seen again, quartering the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed. Later, a Red Kite flew low, over the site and a skein of about sixty Pink-footed Geese flew through to the SW. Birds also seen were an Egyptian Goose, three Buzzards and a Jay. PS.

In the afternoon a pair of Goosander were seen on the river and an Oystercatcher flew over the Deep Pit. IEP.

Merlin – 25th April

This morning a Red Kite was hunting over the reserve. Two Ravens were also seen. One Raven then flew to mob the kite and next a Merlin joined in. A Garden Warbler was heard and seen close to the railway bridge. A Green Hairstreak was seen as well as two Commas. PS.

In the morning there was a flock of Swallows in the Deep Pit and a Yellow Wagtail. RJP.

Arctic Tern – 23rd April

Today – during a very wet Patchwatch – 70 species were recorded, including two Arctic Terns, a Curlew, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Teal, Lesser Whitethroat and Grasshopper Warbler. Also there were hundreds of Hirundines seen hawking insects over all three bodies of water. PS.

Later a Red Kite and a Swift were seen. RW.