Tag Archives: Mediterranean Gull

Bearded Reedling – 19th October

This morning there was a massive passage of Fieldfares and Redwings, with hundreds flying overhead. Also seen were a Red Kite and a Raven. On the Slurry Lagoon a Dunlin appeared, and the Pintail and Garganey were still present and a single Bearded Reedling was seen flying twice across in front of the Causeway bench. PS.

In the afternoon a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull was on the Slurry Lagoon and a male and female Bearded Reedling showed down to a few metres. Later on a juvenile Marsh Harrier was seen hunting the Slurry Lagoon. MC.

Bearded Reedling – male – MC.
Bearded Reedling – female – MC.

White Stork – 19th April

This morning two Mediterranean Gulls flew over the Deep Pit to the north. A little later an identifiably second pair flew into the Deep Pit and then carried on their way north. At just after mid-day a White Stork was seen flying high to the west (RW). Also present was a Grasshopper Warbler and a Garden Warbler. In the Slurry Lagoon reed bed a Water Rail was heard calling.   PS.

Mediterranean Gull – 5th June

Early on this morning an adult Mediterranean Gull was on the site, it seemed to be inspecting the Black-headed Gull colony. It flew around the nests on the Slurry Lagoon and then the ones on the Deep Pit, calling, perhaps trying to find a mate. Anyway it was unlucky and soon flew off. Later a Hobby paid a surprise visit to the Swallows by the railway bridge. On the river there were five recently fledged Herons.  PS.