Tag Archives: Common Tern

Purple Heron – 12th May

This morning, during the Bird Count, a Purple Heron was seen flying over the site. It later appeared at Langford Lowfields. Also seen was a Sandwich Tern that spent a few minutes over the Common Tern rafts before continuing its journey north. A Hobby was seen over the Deep Pit and the Grasshopper Warbler was still singing on the Ecopark and there were good numbers seen of most of the other warbler species. Some dragonfly species were also seen, including several Hairy Dragonflies. PS.

Arctic Tern – 2nd May

This morning there were two Arctic Terns foraging over the Deep Pit with a Common Tern. Later they flew off to the North, and a second Common Tern was seen with the other one in the Deep Pit – one carrying a fish. There were at least ten Garden Warblers singing and the first Xanthogramma citrofasciatum – hoverfly – was seen, recently emerged. PS.

Garden Warbler – Peter Smith.

Xanthogramma citrofasciatum – Peter Smith.

Water Rail – 3rd September

This morning there were five Wigeon on the Slurry Lagoon. Up to 36 Shoveler were also there and about forty Swallows passed to the south in small family groups. A Water Rail dashed across the gap in front of the Causeway benches and two others were heard. There were still two Common Terns on the Deep Pit and large flocks of warblers, mostly Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs, were about. PS.

Marsh Harrier – 20th August

This morning, during the Wildlife Walk, a female Marsh Harrier, being chased by a Common Tern, flew over the Slurry Lagoon. When the tern lost interest it began quartering the Slurry Lagoon reed-bed before dropping in. Later it took off again and flew around the Large Gravel Pit before gaining height and disappearing high towards the east. PS.

Female Marsh Harrier.

Whinchat – 5th May

This morning a female Winchat was on the Ecopark along with a Yellow Wagtail and 3 LRPs.
A Hobby passed over the Deep Pit heading south and there were six Common Terns on the Deep Pit. IEP.

Later on a male Whinchat was reported on the Ecopark. JDn/RW.

Five Holly Blues, five Green Hairstreaks and a Dingy Skipper were seen around the Deep Pit and along the Lower Path. PS.

Green Hairstreak