This morning, during the Bird Count, a Cuckoo was calling for at least an hour. By the railway bridge a Hobby was seen trying very hard to flush out a Swallow over about ten minutes. A Painted Lady and a Ringlet were seen amongst other butterflies. PS.
Tag Archives: bird count
Bird Count – 11th March
Sunday 11th March was an exceptionally warm still day, perfect for coaxing raptors into the air. Several Buzzards were seen in the same thermal and an amazing sight was a ‘kettle’ of eight Common Buzzards that were joined by two Rough-legged Buzzards. Several Sparrowhawks and Kestrels and a Peregrine were also seen. The bird counts are a monthly event and are a good way of collecting data on the welfare and abundance of birds on the reserve. They are held on the second Sunday of every month. People meet at the end of Teal Close in time to set off at 07.45 and normally finish at about 11.00. If you would like to attend just turn up and join in.