This morning a Brambling flew over the Ecopark. Other finch species in a large flock along the Ouse Dyke included Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Linnet and Redpoll. Several Redwings were also seen. IEP. PS.
Tag Archives: greenfinch
Water Rail – 24th July
This morning about twenty-two Swifts were feeding over the Slurry Lagoon. A Water Rail fluttered between the reed-beds in front of the bench on the Causeway. There were family parties of Green and Great-spotted Woodpeckers and a Greenfinch was leading a juvenile about the site. PS.
Comma – 11th February
This morning there were thirty Lesser Redpolls in the birches on the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon, twenty Greenfinches came out of the roost at Rossi’s, six Song Thrushes and three Cetti’s Warblers were singing and a Comma flew across the Wheelchair Ramp. PS.
Brambling – 18th October
A large finch and bunting flock has formed at the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon, mostly consisting of Reed Buntings and Goldfinches but also containing a few Green Finches and Chaffinches, with one male Brambling. Also present were a few Meadow Pipits. On the Slurry Lagoon a Redshank was present early on and later five Egyptian Geese flew in and at least one Pintail is still present. Two Peregrines, probably both males, flew over calling loudly, one making occasional stoops at the other, talons outstretched. Also seen were two Redpoll and two small flocks of Redwings. PS.
Black-tailed Godwit – 15th March
A Black-tailed Godwit circled the Slurry Lagoon this evening, but I think the water was too deep for it and it disappeared towards Colwick. The Cetti’s Warbler was singing in the Deep Pit, the Shelduck was still on the Slurry Lagoon and a flock of about eighty Greenfinches came in to roost at the back of Rossi’s. PS.
Brambling – 5th December
As the grip of winter tightens around the lagoons the Ouse Dyke has become an attractive area for the birds. At about 08.30hrs there were four Little Egrets and a Grey Heron paddling around chasing the small fish and a Kingfisher was also seen with them. The Deep Pit was the one with most open water, the Slurry Lagoon being completely frozen over, and held large numbers of Teal, with Gadwall and Tufties. There were plenty of finches about with over 100 Greenfinches and a Brambling was seen feeding on hops along the Ouse Dyke as we left the site. PS.
Shelduck – 23rd February
Very quiet at the lagoons today. There were two Shelduck on the Slurry Lagoon, a male Goldeneye in the Deep Pit and the usual Linnets and Greenfinches coming in to roost. PS.
Goosander – 15th February
A female Goosander was fishing on the Trent, and a Buzzard circled over the site this afternoon. Towards dusk 120 Greenfinches and 32 Linnets came in to roost. 34 Mute Swans came to roost on the Slurry and Deep Pits and up to 8 water Rail were calling from the reed beds. A Cetti’s Warbler sang briefly from the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. PS.
Redshank – 31st January
This morning a Redshank was seen on the river bank and four Tree Sparrows with Linnets and Reed Buntings, on the north east bank of the Deep Water Pit. PS
In the afternoon a Cetti’s Warbler was heard calling in the Deep Pit and later a Bittern came in to roost in its usual spot.
Finch Flock – 8th January
The ‘Fat Hen Field’ at the northern end of the Deep Pit has attracted a growing number of finches. So far only Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Linnets, Chaffinches and Reed Buntings with the occasional Tree Sparrow, but its a good place to look for something unusual that they might attract to them. The Bitterns may have been forced out of the Deep Pit as most of the margins are now frozen. PS.
Today the Ouse Dyke was a magnet for birds with three Little Egrets, Water Rail, Kingfisher, and Common Snipe. Apparently earlier a Jack Snipe was present and a Woodcock flew over. JMD.