A male Stonechat was in scrub near the wader scrape today and a party of at least 12 Meadow Pipits were feeding on open ground by the scrape. Six Common Snipe flew over and a Water Rail called in the reedbed on the Deep Pit. Two Chiffchaffs were feeding together along the Ouse Dyke, and at least 20 Fieldfare and 5 Redwing were seen, as well as a Peregrine on one of the large pylons. PDa,LD.
All posts by Carol
Waxwing – 25th December
At least 50-60 Waxwings were amongst tall trees on top of the railway bank, a Pink-footed Goose was on the flooded railway arches field with a large flock of Greylags and a pair of Peregrines were seen. A Chiffchaff was along the Ouse Dyke path. MG.
Marsh Harrier – 2nd December
At around 3 pm a female Marsh Harrier was seen perched in a tree before flying closer and then disappearing over the Railway line. PW.
Bittern – 27th October
This morning at around 11am a Bittern flew across the Slurry Lagoon and landed in the reeds on the eastern side. MG
Honey Buzzard – 22nd September
This morning a Honey Buzzard was watched as it passed more or less directly overhead at about 100 feet before flying off towards the southeast. There was a good passage of hirundines moving west along the Trent and a Goldcrest was also seen. PD,LD.
Grasshopper Warbler – 30th April
At 1.30pm a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling in bushes at the railway end of the dry slurry lagoon. ML
Whooper Swans – 11th December
Five Whooper Swans went through and there were still five Little Egret in the Ouse Dyke. A Yellowhammer, five Brambling and three Buzzards were also seen.
Little Egret – 13th September
At 3.30pm today there were two Little Egrets on the river by the bridge, they stopped briefly then flew off towards Nottingham. On the railway path the Willow Tit was heard and a Snipe was seen on the slurry. PG,DG
Whinchat – 1st May
During the afternoon a Whinchat was found adjacent to the deep pit near the pylons, a female Wheatear was perched on a post in the same area and a Cuckoo was seen. Also a Marsh Harrier flew over the slurry (JS).