A Siberian Chiffchaff has been seen along the Ouse Dyke for the last few days, between the footbridge and the road. The Iceland Gull was seen again on the Slurry Lagoon and a Tawny Owl was heard calling by the river. RW.
Tag Archives: 2011
Iceland Gull – 28th December
Iceland Gull – 27th December
At about mid-day a first winter Iceland Gull joined the gull roost on the Slurry Lagoon. It spent some time bathing and then rested on the shore. About forty Golden Plovers flew over at about the same time and a Peregrine had flushed the roost shortly before. There were two Cetti’s Warblers, one calling one singing, and several Water Rail calling from around all the water bodies. Three Little Egrets were seen on the large willow beside the Large Gravel Pit. PS.
Chiffchaff – 26th December
This morning a Chiffchaff was seen foraging along the Lower Path. There were also large flocks of Redwings, Fieldfares and smaller numbers of Blackbirds feeding on the Hawthorn berries. There were up to four Little Egrets along the Ouse Dyke and a Cetti’s Warbler was singing from the Deep Pit. PS.
Peregrine – 18th December
This morning the frost had taken a hold of the site and thin ice was forming on most of the lagoons. There were large flocks of winter thrushes, Redwings, Fieldfares and Blackbirds. By the Gravel Pits there were two Cetti’s Warblers and the Slurry Lagoon held over 300 Teal with Black-headed Gulls and Lapwings. A Peregrine flew low across the bank in front of us, skimming the tops of the reeds, directly at the flocks of birds, which erupted into the air as one. In the confusion the Peregrine missed its mark and withdrew to the top of a pylon. PS.
Rough-legged Buzzard – 13th December
The gull roost held fewer birds than normal this afternoon and most had gone before dusk. Large numbers of Rooks and Jackdaws crossed the Slurry Lagoon on their way to roost, but otherwise things were quiet today and attention veered towards Gedling Pit Top, where the Rough-legged Buzzard could be seen hovering with a Common Buzzard flying above it. RW.
Goosander – 11th December
This morning, during the bird count, two male Goosanders flew over the reserve and later a female landed on the Large Gravel Pit. Three Cetti’s Warblers were heard and there were three Little Egrets on the Ouse Dyke. Good numbers of winter thrushes and various ducks were also present. PS.
Goosander – 7th December
This afternoon there were two female Goosander on the Large Gravel Pit, along with four female Goldeneye and some Gadwall and Wigeon. On the Deep Pit there were five male Goldeneye and several Mallard. The gull roost on the Slurry Lagoon contained an estimated 700 Greater Black-backs and at least twice as many Herring Gulls. There were well in excess of 2,000 birds. There were still good numbers of Shoveler and Teal as well as a Shelduck. A Cetti’s Warbler was heard calling in the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. PS.
Little Egret – 28th November
At dusk the gull roost contained about 500 birds, consisting mainly of Black-headed, Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls. there were also around 200 Teal and 70 Shoveler. Two Little Egrets and two Shelduck were also present and the Cetti’s Warbler sang briefly from the reed bed that the Starlings were roosting in. PS.
White-fronted Goose – 21st November
As the light faded this evening the Grey-lag and Canada Geese started to arrive to roost on the Large Gravel Pit and Slurry Lagoon. When it was almost dark the White-fronted Geese were heard and about twenty-four birds were picked out against the dim sky as they came in to roost on the large Gravel Pit. As I walked off a female Tawny Owl was heard and, a little later, some Golden Plover were heard as they flew in. PS.