Tag Archives: Iceland Gull

Iceland Gull – 27th December

At about mid-day a first winter Iceland Gull joined the gull roost on the Slurry Lagoon. It spent some time bathing and then rested on the shore.  About forty Golden Plovers flew over at about the same time and a Peregrine had flushed the roost shortly before. There were two Cetti’s Warblers, one calling one singing, and several Water Rail calling from around all the water bodies. Three Little Egrets were seen on the large willow beside the Large Gravel Pit. PS.

Iceland Gull – 1st January

The Deep Pit was the most productive area at the lagoons this afternoon, with a second winter Iceland Gull staying for about an hour amongst the other Herring and Great Black-backed Gulls. A Bittern was also showing well for most of the afternoon, on and off, and was eventually seen going to roost in a reed bed. Several Water Rail were seen running across the ice and as dusk approached several more were heard calling. A Cetti’s Warbler was heard briefly singing and later another was calling. A good selection of ducks was present, with large numbers of Teal. RW.