During the Monthly Bird Count, hundreds of Jackdaws and Rooks were seen flying over from their roost, 1,000 or more geese left their roost on the Slurry Lagoon and a flock of about 2,000 Wood Pigeons was seen on Severn/Trent Land. A Redshank was seen briefly on the Slurry Lagoon and two Little Egrets were feeding along the Ouse Dyke. PS.
Tag Archives: Rook
Woodcock – 4th December
As dusk turned into dark a Woodcock flew along the Deep Pit bank and onto the Causeway, landing a few yards away in the gloom. Hundreds of Jackdaws and Rooks were feeding during the afternoon on the sweetcorn stubbles and towards dusk they were trailing across the sky on their way to roost. PS.
Rough-legged Buzzard – 13th December
The gull roost held fewer birds than normal this afternoon and most had gone before dusk. Large numbers of Rooks and Jackdaws crossed the Slurry Lagoon on their way to roost, but otherwise things were quiet today and attention veered towards Gedling Pit Top, where the Rough-legged Buzzard could be seen hovering with a Common Buzzard flying above it. RW.
Red-crested Pochard – 30th September
The two male Red-crested Pochard are still on the Large Gravel Pit. The one in eclipse has been moulting and is showing some of its winter plumage now. A Ruff and three Dunlin were on the Slurry Lagoon and a Buzzard, drifting over the site, found itself surrounded by Rooks and being buffeted from all angles. PS.