A flock of about 65 Waxwings were on the site this afternoon, in the bushes along the Willow Walk. They then flew off over the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. PS, TK.
Tag Archives: 2012
Woodcock – 4th December
As dusk turned into dark a Woodcock flew along the Deep Pit bank and onto the Causeway, landing a few yards away in the gloom. Hundreds of Jackdaws and Rooks were feeding during the afternoon on the sweetcorn stubbles and towards dusk they were trailing across the sky on their way to roost. PS.
Waxwing – 2nd December
This morning there were large flocks of thrushes and finches along the railway embankment. There were hundreds of Redwings with smaller numbers of Fieldfares and amongst the thrush flock were twelve Waxwings. About thirty Linnets were in a flock with Goldfinches and a few Redpolls. Near the ford on the Lower Path a Treecreeper was investigating the bark on an ash tree. Across the river seven Herons stood amongst the still puddled fields with flocks of Black-headed Gulls and Grey-lag Geese. Amongst them were a few Lapwings and two Redshank. In some Alders between the Boundary Hedge and the Ouse Dyke, three Siskins were feeding with Goldfinches and on the Ouse Dyke bank five Redpoll were feeding on stinging nettle seeds. One male had a beautiful, soft, rose-pink breast. Along the Ouse Dyke three Little Egrets were feeding and ten Snipe circled around before settling near the National Grid development. A Peregrine was also seen over the Severn/Trent land. In the afternoon two Goosander were seen flying up river. PS.
Little Egret – 25th November
This morning the results of last night’s rain were obvious as you looked along the Ouse Dyke. It had obviously burst its banks during the night but was now running high and muddy in its course. The Trent was also swollen and had spread across nearby fields. Five Little Egrets were together in the Ouse Dyke. Two Chiffchaffs were found and a Goldcrest. There were also plenty of ducks and winter thrushes about.
Later, in the afternoon, two crows chased a Barn Owl along the Ouse Dyke and into the Plantation. Three Cetti’s Warblers were heard singing and four Water Rail were squabbling in the Slurry Lagoon reed bed and a Toad was seen, crawling across the Slurry Lagoon path. PS.
Brambling – 21st November
A Brambling called as it flew over the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon this afternoon. PS.
Short-eared Owl – 4th November
This morning was cold and frosty and fairly quiet at the lagoons. Near the steps down to the Ouse Dyke footbridge the ‘dzweee’ call of a Brambling attracted attention to a splendid male in a hawthorn bush. There were several Redpolls, some Siskins, Fieldfares and Redwings about as well. In the late morning a Short-eared Owl was seen flying high over the Slurry Lagoon reed bed, pursued by some crows and a gull. It flew out towards Burton Joyce but then veered back and came right overhead again and was last seen disappearing towards Ratcliffe, crows still in pursuit. PS.
Bearded Tit – 28th October
A Bearded Tit was heard in the reed bed in the NE corner of the Slurry Lagoon this morning. It was later seen by another observer as it flew out into the centre of the reed bed on the dry end. There were also two Little Egrets, several Redpolls, and a Chiffchaff. Redwing and Fieldfares were also seen in small numbers. PS.
Whooper Swan – 26th October
Late this morning three Whooper Swans landed on the Slurry Lagoon. Unfortunately the resident family of Mute Swans took exception and chased them away in a few minutes. RW.
Marsh Harrier – 24th October
This afternoon a ‘cream-top’ Marsh Harrier was seen briefly over the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. It was chased off by some crows and a gull. The sweetcorn has been harvested in the adjacent fields and the geese are gleening the spillage. About 2,500 Grey-lag Geese and 500 Canadas flew from the fields onto the Slurry Lagoon. Later up to 6,000 Starlings came in to roost, in their spectacular fashion, in the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. PS.
Green-winged Teal – Patchwatch day – 14th October
Today, during the Patchwatch, 74 species of bird were seen on the site. There were good numbers of Lesser Redpoll about as well as Song Thrushes and Skylarks. The highlight was provided by a male Green-winged Teal on the Slurry Lagoon with about 150 Eurasian Teal. Other good site finds were three Jays, a Tree Sparrow and a very late Sand Martin, plus two skeins of about 65 each of Pink-footed Geese flew over to the east. PS.