Tag Archives: Goldcrest

Bearded Tit – 18th October

This morning some Bearded Tits were heard calling in the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. Eight Golden Plover nearly joined the Lapwings on the Slurry Lagoon before flying off to the SE, a Brambling was seen on the Causeway and two Golden-eye flew around the site before landing on the Large Gravel Pit. Three flocks of Fieldfares flew through and there was a small arrival of Goldcrests. Four Chiffchaff were along the Ouse Dyke and also seen were several Redpoll, Siskins, a Mistle Thrush and a Jay.  PS.

Little Egret – 25th November

This morning the results of last night’s rain were obvious as you looked along the Ouse Dyke. It had obviously burst its banks during the night but was now running high and muddy in its course. The Trent was also swollen and had spread across nearby fields. Five Little Egrets were together in the Ouse Dyke. Two Chiffchaffs were found and a Goldcrest. There were also plenty of ducks and winter thrushes about.

Later, in the afternoon, two crows chased a Barn Owl along the Ouse Dyke and into the Plantation. Three Cetti’s Warblers were heard singing and four Water Rail were squabbling in the Slurry Lagoon reed bed and a Toad was seen, crawling across the Slurry Lagoon path. PS.

Chiffchaff – 13th March

At last the first spring migrant has arrived. A Chiffchaff was seen in the willows along the Ouse Dyke path this morning, along with two Goldcrests and three Siskins. On the Large Gravel Pit the Golden-eyes were displaying, as were some Lapwings on the Severn/Trent land. A female Goosander was on the river and a flock of Golden Plover were heard calling from towards Stoke Bardolph. PS.