Tag Archives: 24th October

Marsh Harrier – 24th October

This afternoon a ‘cream-top’ Marsh Harrier was seen briefly over the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. It was chased off by some crows and a gull. The sweetcorn has been harvested in the adjacent fields and the geese are gleening the spillage. About 2,500 Grey-lag Geese and 500 Canadas flew from the fields onto the Slurry Lagoon. Later up to 6,000 Starlings came in to roost, in their spectacular fashion, in the Slurry Lagoon reed bed. PS.

Waxwings – 24th October

About nine skeins of Pinkies flew through to the east this morning, totalling approximately 1,200 to 1,500 birds. There were four Red-crested Pochards but no sign of the Ross’s Goose on the Large Gravel Pit. A flock of about 100 Fieldfares went through to the west , a Cetti’s was heard in the Haven and a Willow Tit was seen on the Lower Path. PS.

In the afternoon a flock of about twenty Waxwings flew across the site towards the retail park. RW.