Tag Archives: Little Egret

Pintail – 3rd January

Happy New Year

This morning a drake Pintail touched down briefly on the Slurry Lagoon and the two Stonechats were together on the Wader Scrape. There were five Little Egrets and a herd of about forty Mute Swans across the river, upstream from the Railway Bridge, and a small flock of mixed Redwings and Song Thrushes on the Wader Scrape, with another four Song Thrushes singing around the reserve. Five Cetti’s Warblers were heard and eleven Golden-eye were on the Large Gravel Pit.  PS.

Peregrine – 1st March

This morning there were three Little Egrets along the Ouse Dyke but no sign of the Green Sandpiper. A female Peregrine flew low, right through the Deep Pit and then up and over the signal box and a little later the male Peregrine was seen taking repeated stoops at a Buzzard. On the Wader Scrape the male Stonechat was still to be seen and the first Coltsfoot and Lesser Celandine flowers are now out. PS.

Green Sandpiper – 15th February

The Green Sandpiper was in its usual spot again this morning, on the Ouse Dyke. There was also a Grey Wagtail, Water Rail, Kingfisher and Little Egret. The bird table at the end of the Causeway is attracting a good mixed flock, including six Reed Buntings. Please feel free to bring food to replenish the bird table. PS.

Stonechat – 8th February

During this morning’s bird count the Ouse Dyke was again very productive, with Green Sandpiper, Little Egret, Chiffchaff, Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail and two Water Rails being seen. On the Wader Scrape a male Stonechat was spotted and a Peregrine flew over, along the pylons. More Water Rails were seen and heard and several Cetti’s Warblers were recorded. PS.