This morning a female Marsh Harrier was seen quartering the Slurry Lagoon. It then flew over the Plantation and the Wader Scrape before flying over the Severn/Trent farmland. Along the Lower Path, two male Brimstones were patrolling. PS.
Tag Archives: 22nd March
Blackcap – 22nd March
Joining the throng of over 25 Chiffchaffs this morning, a Blackcap was also heard singing. JDn.
Sand Martin – 22nd March
This morning a Sand Martin flew south over the site. There were more than twenty Chiffchaffs and two male Peregrines had an altercation over the Slurry Lagoon. Two Peacock butterflies were also seen. PS.
Raven – 22nd March
This afternoon three Ravens were seen over the Slurry Lagoon when a pair flew in from one direction to meet a single from the other, before all returning to where they had come from. A Chiffchaff was singing on the Causeway, an Oystercatcher was on one of the tern platforms and two more were across the river. PS.
Whooper Swan – 22nd March
This morning, at about 07.15, 120 Whooper Swans flew west over the site. Later a Whooper Swan was seen in the Deep Pit and was still there at 12.00. There were about 20 Chiffchaffs on the site, some singing and others just feeding. PS>
Wheatear – 22nd March
This morning a male Wheatear was briefly seen on the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon, before it disappeared between the reed beds. A Sand Martin flew over the site and up to four Chiffchaffs were singing. There were still one or two Toads about on the path on the south-western side of the Slurry Lagoon and one grim sighting was of one held limply in a crow’s beak. A brilliant male Brimstone was seen flying into the Deep Pit. PS.
In the afternoon a Grey Plover was heard calling as it flew over and the Wheatear was seen again on the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon. PS.