Early this afternoon a Grey Plover was on the Wader Scrape, also a Wheatear was present. RW.
Don’t forget tomorrow is Patch-Watch Day.
Early this afternoon a Grey Plover was on the Wader Scrape, also a Wheatear was present. RW.
Don’t forget tomorrow is Patch-Watch Day.
This morning a male Wheatear was briefly seen on the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon, before it disappeared between the reed beds. A Sand Martin flew over the site and up to four Chiffchaffs were singing. There were still one or two Toads about on the path on the south-western side of the Slurry Lagoon and one grim sighting was of one held limply in a crow’s beak. A brilliant male Brimstone was seen flying into the Deep Pit. PS.
In the afternoon a Grey Plover was heard calling as it flew over and the Wheatear was seen again on the dry end of the Slurry Lagoon. PS.