This morning a male Marsh Harrier was seen flying out of the Slurry Lagoon reedbed. It flew around a bit before dropping back in, and then rose again to fly away high to the NE. SC/RW.
Tag Archives: 28th March
Brent Goose – 28th March
This morning three Brent Geese flew over the site to the north. A young male Peregrine was also seen. PS.
Little Ringed Plover – 28th March
This morning a Little Ringed Plover was seen on the Wader Scrape. JMD. There are now several Chiffchaffs singing and the Sand Martin nesting bank has been installed in the Deep Pit.
Marsh Harrier – 28th March
A superb male Marsh Harrier was quartering the Slurry Lagoon reed bed this afternoon. Unfortunately it was pestered by Carrion Crows and eventually gave up and continued up the valley. PS.