This morning the Jack Snipe was bobbing in its usual spot on the Wader Scrape. There were six Chiffchaffs, four of them singing, seven singing Cetti’s Warblers and five Water Rail were also heard. A Weasel was seen at the bottom of the bank in front of the Wader Scrape, climbing in the hedge as well as running up and down. On the Ouse Dyke a mixed flock of songbirds was mobbing a roosting Tawny Owl. PS.
Tag Archives: 11th March
Tawny Owl – 11th March
Rough-legged Buzzard – 11th March
This morning, during the bird count, two Rough-legged Buzzards were seen flying over the site. A total of thirteen Common Buzzards were also seen, four Sparrowhawks and three Kestrels, with a Peregrine on Gedling church spire. On the river were a pair of Goosanders and a Lesser Redpoll was feeding in a riverside Ash tree. There were lots of insects about, including Buff-tailed and Red-tailed Bumblebees and Honey Bees, Brimstone, Comma, Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock butterflies. PS et al.