Body length 15 - 22mm. The best way to tell this species from the other similar wasps is to look for the yellow 'tick' marks on the black thorax. These wasps are frequently much darker than other species and have a yellow face, with a central black line.
They build nests in trees and bushes along hedgerows or in gardens or woodland edge.
Status and distribution
Fairly common and widespread in southern Britain. Common in Nottinghamshire and at Netherfield Lagoons.
Best time to see
June to October.
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - male - August 8th 2013
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - male - August 8th 2013
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - male - August 8th 2013
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - worker - September 16th 2012
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - worker - September 16th 2012
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - worker - August 31st 2012
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - worker - August 31st 2012
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - worker - September 16th 2012
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - worker - August 19th 2014
Median Wasp - Dolichovespula media - worker - August 14th 2014