Upcoming public events held at the Netherfield Lagoons Local Nature Reserve, Nottinghamshire.
There is plenty to see at the Lagoons. The orchids and flowers may be past their best, but in the sunshine the butterflies and dragonflies should be about and there are lots of birds to see. Meet at the footbridge onto the reserve.
Come and join us on a bird count. This is a good way for beginners to gain experience and to find out more about the site. Meet at the end of Teal Close, opposite the CEM factory gates, at 07.45 hrs.
Come and join us on a bird count. This is a good way for beginners to gain experience and to find out more about the site. Meet at the end of Teal Close, opposite the CEM factory gates, at 07.45 hrs.
Come and join us on a bird count. This is a good way for beginners to gain experience and to find out more about the site. Meet at the end of Teal Close, opposite the CEM factory gates, at 07.45 hrs.