Body length 4 - 6mm. Mainly grey with strong black markings on the thorax and a pattern of shading along some of the veins of the wings.
Grasslands, woodland edge, hedgerows where the adults feed on nectar from plants in the Asteraeae family, including daisies and tansy. The larvae are parasites of heteropteran bugs.
Status and distribution
Fairly widespread in England apart from the West Country. Uncommon anywhere else. Uncommon in Nottinghamshire and recorded twice at Netherfield Lagoons.
Best time to see
June to September.

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 4th 2019

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 4th 2019

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 4th 2019

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 4th 2019

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 4th 2019

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 25th 2019

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 25th 2019

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 25th 2019

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 30th 2020

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 30th 2020

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 30th 2020

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 30th 2020

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 30th 2020

Tachinid - Phasia obesa - male - August 30th 2020